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The group called themselves 'Human Terminators'. The members were from various parts of the planet Earth. The communication technology had enabled them to come into contact with each other. They were passionate about the same idea. To be successful, they felt every other human needs to be killed specially the kids, the old and those who were not willing to try their idea. And, they achieved their mission. But, the bigger mission still awaited to be done. They built a huge building which housed the only surviving 2,00,000 humans. It was firmly believed by them that a computer simulation was responsible for running of human lives. Things happened randomly in the lives of humans. Humans had no control. Humans will never achieve happiness, equality for all. So, better to destroy this simulator. And, they felt to defeat randomness they needed to do everything at the same time for 24 hours - wake up at same time, brush at same time and for same length etc. And, the simulator will die and so will the human species. So, on 24th September, 2316, they started practicing synchronization. They woke up at 5 a.m. Then, started brushing for 5 minutes at 5.01 a.m. and finished at 5.06 a.m. They were able to synchronize many activities. But, they failed to synchronize the timing and length of finishing their toilet routine. The failure continued for 3 months. Some got very frustrated and committed suicide. In the end, 'Human Terminators' gave up. End of fiction