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Journey of understaning logarithms


Finally, I got a grip on logarithms. Why they came into being. First, I watched this video, from James Tanton - Logarithms: Brief History and Brief Mat.

How they Invented Logarithms

This book should have changed mathematics forever


From Logarithms: The Early History of a Familiar Function - Before Logarithms: The Computational Demands of the Late Sixteenth Century

From History Victor Katz observed that Napier developed logarithms “for use in the extensive plane and spherical trigonometrical calculations necessary for astronomy

From https://locomat.loria.fr/napier/napier1619construction.pdf

From Logarithms: The Early History of a Familiar Function - John Napier Introduces Logarithms

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=habHK6wLkic&t=73s story of natural logarithms
