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Notes from hackernews discussion on AlphaFold


You are basically made of proteins, which are basically folded sequences of amino acids, **proteins are molecular machines** that are the fundamental building block of animals, plants, bacteria, fungi, viruses etc.

This comment https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32264898 led to a discussion which helped me learn a lot.

you see these 3D representations of specific proteins as a crumple of ribbons I understand that proteins are huge organic molecules composed of thousands of atoms, right? Their special capabilities arise from their structure/shape. So basically the molecule contorts itself to a low energy state which could be very complex but **which enables it to "bind?"** to other molecules expressly because of this special shape and do the special things that proteins do-- that form the basis of living things. Hence the efforts, like Alphafold, to compute what these shapes are for any given protein molecule.

But what does one "do" with such 3D shapes?

If we knew:

(a) the structure of every protein (what DeepMind is doing here)

(b) how different protein structures interact (i.e. protein complexes - DeepMind is working on this but not there yet)

Then we could use those two building blocks to design new proteins (drugs) that do what we want. If we solve those two problems with very high accuracy, we can also reduce the time it takes to go from starting a drug discovery programme to approved medicine.